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Children at St. Philip's

 Final Sunday School of 2023-2024 is May 19!

Click here to register all ages

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Jesus said to his disciples, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14).  Christian parents have a holy calling: at the baptism of their children, they take a solemn vow to raise them in the knowledge, love, and service of the Lord. As the body of Christ, we are committed to supporting parents in this ministry. We offer classes for all ages during Sunday School (9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.) and provide opportunities for age-appropriate worship for our younger children during the 10:30 a.m. service.

If you have any questions about children's ministry, please contact Dorothy Lancaster, our Director of Ministry to Children and Families.

Nursery: Birth–Age 3

Parish House, room 108 ~ 10:15 a.m. (year-round), and/or 9:15 when Sunday school is in session

A nursery for children ages three and under is provided during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Time spent in the nursery includes play, a Bible story, songs, and a hands-on activity. A wide range of developmental toys and books are available.

Sunday School: 4 years old–12th grade

9:15 a.m. ~ Various Locations

Available during the school year (Rally Sunday–mid-May), Sunday School provides Bible lessons for children up to 18 years old. Classes are divided by age and are taught by dedicated volunteers from our congregation. We use a Bible-centered curriculum, giving children a strong overview of the story of salvation and how it ties to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Curriculum details for 7th-grade Confirmation and 8th–12th grade Sunday school are below.

Classes for children in 4th grade and younger are located on the ground floor of the Parish House. Older children meet in other locations on our campus. Please see directional signs for exact locations. Parents of children 4th grade and younger should pick children up promptly at 10:15 am in the classroom if they are not staying for the nursery or Children’s Church.

7th–Grade Confirmation

9:15 a.m., Tea Garden

Confirmation students explore the principles of Christian faith through study of the Bible and the Apostles’ Creed. They are invited to renew their baptismal covenant during the Confirmation service, which will take place in the spring. Parents, please join your child at the first class.

Al Phillips: alphillips@carolina-eastern.com, (843) 906-8200

Sunday School: 8th–12th Grades

9:15 a.m., Parish House (Youth Room)

8th–12th grade Sunday school is a chance for the deepening of youths' faith through learning about their Christian worldview and how it affects every aspect of their lives. Come join the journey!

David Gilbert, Youth Minister: dgilbert@stphilipschurchsc.org, (843) 708-3795

Children’s Church: Age 4–3rd Grade

During the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Parish House, room 109 (year-round)

Children ages four through third grade are invited to attend Children’s Church, where they participate in an age-appropriate worship service that includes music, prayer, a Bible lesson, activities related to the lesson, and arts and crafts. Typically, the lesson connects to the lectionary so that the children will hear the same message as their parents.  

Questions? Contact Dorothy Lancaster, our Director of Ministry to Children and Families.